
[this page is still in process and you see just a draft]

If you like this campaign, this is how you can help:

Firma el pacto a tu mismo
If you have not done so far, please sign the pact yourself. Show politicians that Free Software matters to you and that you will only vote for candidates that signed the pact.

Difundir la palabra
Tell your friends about this campaign, your local newspaper, your students association, your family. Let the people know why Free Software matters to you and how it can help Spain to move forward in the information society. Ask them to sign the pact themselves, as well.

Contacte candidatos

Is your candidate still missing? Or candidates of other regions? Please help to contact them and to convince them to sign the Free Software pact. See below to get help and drafts on contacting politicians.

Join us
Join one of our organisations to work for freedom in the digital age beyond this campaign. We look forward to get you to know.